Election this coming May 2010 is fast approaching. Politicians are scrambling on how to get votes from the voters. Traditional politicians (TRAPOs) are on their usual approach to seduce voters by giving goods (such as rice, cans of sardines, packs of noodles [what a cheap]! ) in exchange of votes. Most politicians on current positions have big tarpaulins posted beside their supposed "projects" even if they know that putting such is a violation of certain rules of COMELEC. But they still have the guts to claim that they should be credited for those projects and that people on said area should vote on them.
Hoping that COMELEC personnel should go out on their offices and inspect the violations committed by the TRAPO's. Hoping that voters will vote wisely and should safeguard their votes and should not exchange their votes to noodles, some kilos of rice and can goods.
Anyways, you can accept whatever the politicians will give but do not vote them because they will surely suck all funds of the government if they are elected.
Hoping we (Filipinos) will learn from our past!